Level Up Your Team: AI Training That Cuts Time and Costs

Customized Training in Generative AI

Generative AI isn't just a buzzword; it's a transformative tool that can revolutionize your workflow, enhance creativity, and improve efficiency. We offer customized training solutions tailored to your business needs, whether you're an advertising agency, a fashion brand or a tech startup.

Why Learn Gen AI with Us?


Expert Faculty

Our training isn't just by experts in AI with more than 3200h with it; it is done by an accomplished creatives who have worked for the big players.

They are also teachers with years of experience who know how to communicate complex ideas in an accessible way.


Real-World Applications

We don’t just teach AI; we use it daily in our creative workflows. Everyday.

That's why we include real-world applications that are relevant to your industry.

We are not to teach you how to make Darth Vader playing guitar in Barbie's rock band. Unless you want. We can do it.


Leverage AI from DAY 1

Our courses are tailored to your specific requirements and industry.

After learning your needs and use cases, we prepare the training so your team don't need to waste hundreds of hours testing.

Not sure what you may need? Check our intro talks.

Watch our AI intro talks

Gen AI for creative freelancers

Learn how to build an impressive portfolio, secure freelance opportunities, and collaborate with fashion brands.

Gen AI for Creative agencies

Explore how AI can optimize time and costs for creative agencies.

Gen AI for Fashion Brands & Retailers

Discover how Digital Fashion and AI can transform workflows in the fashion industry.

Course Content and Structure

Why spend hundreds of hours testing after a general AI course when you can achieve the same knowledge in just 8 hours? Our training is tailored to your specific needs, making every minute count.

1. What is Gen AI? Ethics & Laws

Cut through the noise and get a clear, unbiased understanding of what Generative AI truly is and how it's created. We also place a strong emphasis on ethics, laying down the groundwork for responsible AI use. Navigate the tricky waters of copyright and laws with confidence.

2. Image Gen AI

Discover the powerhouse tools that lead the market. While Midjourney reigns supreme, we'll also delve into the capabilities of Dall-e 3 and Adobe Firefly.

As for Stable Diffusion? We believe in focusing on user friendly tools that deliver immediate, impactful results.

3. Video Gen AI

In a constantly evolving field, it's easy to get lost in the multitude of tools available for video generation. But why wade through the clutter when you could focus on the best?

In this section, we'll zero in on Runway and Luma, the go-to platforms for meaningful, high-quality video generation.

Guest stars? Some Pika Labs and Kaiber.

4. Text Gen AI

You've heard about ChatGPT, seen the endless prompt guides promising instant riches, and maybe even tried a few cheat sheets.

But let's cut to the chase: if you want to make a real impact, you need to know how to use this tool effectively in your daily operations.

Forget the fluff; in this section, we'll teach you the real ways to leverage ChatGPT for your business needs.

5. Tailored support & updates

In the fast-paced world of AI, tools evolve and client needs shift rapidly.

That's why we offer various support and updates packages tailored to your needs.

Our aim is to ensure you continue to benefit from your training long after it's complete, helping you stay at the forefront of AI advancements.

Meet Your Trainer

Art direction expert

Hugo is an art director with 15 years of experience working at top advertising agencies for clients like Audi, FC Barcelona, Volkswagen and Nike.

His work has been awarded in all major ad festivals and published in magazines like Vogue, Esquire and Forbes.

Art direction expert

Creative innovation teacher

He has been teaching creative innovation for the last 7 years at Brother Ad School, Cannes Lions School of the Year 2021 & 2023.

Creative innovation teacher

AI revolutionary

Starting to dig into AI back in June 2022, his first project was featured as Cover for the 20th Anniversary of Vogue in November 22.

He was also AI consultant for a second Vogue project mixing real footage with artificial intellegence.

Vogue Cover

AI speaker & teacher

Hugo has also done AI workshops for advertising agencies, participate several events, spoke AI for startups at Toptal's Anual Conference, the first Digital Fashion Week in Paris and Cannes Lions 24

AI keynote speaker

Why do we use AI?


Creative vs production

Leveraging AI isn't about ramping up production; it's about freeing up time to fuel the creativity that sparks genuine innovation.

Let's focus more on fostering creativity & exploring concepts, less on production tasks.


Cut Time & Costs

Using AI, we're revolutionizing the often time-consuming and costly traditional content creation.

Now, we can produce large volumes of premium content much faster.

Already saved $500k to clients!


Happier clients

By delivering better creative work x3 times faster You can be sure clients are really happy.

And what does happy client mean?
Well, You know it.

But hey, be sure, your team not leaving again at 4am will be very happy too.

Real use cases

Making awesome images is cool, we get it, but let's see why we save hundreds of hours and literally thousands of money to our clients.

Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training


Humain AI training
Humain AI training

High-end product photography

FAQs: Image Creation and Rights

1. How are AI images generated?

When the AI creates a new image, it's not making a collage from original images or copying them directly.

Using mathematical guidelines, the AI crafts these images in line with learned styles and patterns. Yet, they are uniquely new creations, not rehashes or remixes of original images.

2. Can I use AI generated content commercially?

Generally, you can use AI-generated content as long as the generator license agreement permits commercial use. Read the terms and conditions carefully. Be aware of copyright restrictions of any input images. Some EULAs indicate that produced artwork may belong to the tool, the user, or the public domain

However, due to the prevailing ambiguity in the copyright laws surrounding AI-generated images, it is recommended to refrain from using such content for commercial purposes until the legal framework is clearer.

3. Can AI-generated content be copyrighted?

You can't copyright AI-generated images, writing, video, or anything, according to a ruling by the U.S. Copyright Office.

4. Do AI generated works infringe copyright?

The legality of AI-generated work in copyright law is intricate, merging copyright rules and AI technology. Scholars propose "fair use" may cover AI's utilization of copyrighted materials, but it remains unproven.

The U.S. Copyright Office excludes AI creations due to their non-human authorship, leaving the legality of AI training data unclear. Despite divergent Google-related court case outcomes, no final verdict exists.

Clarity might only surface through future court decisions or legislative revisions. Remember, your local laws prevail.

Ready learn some gen ai?